The jobseeker subscription service that works


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There is a world of opportunity waiting for our subscriber jobseekers.

Signing up is easy and for jobseekers it is free!

Members can load their own pitch video, and are guaranteed a response to their applications for Platinum Tick™ jobs.

Welcome to the new world of jobseeking!

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Our advertisers get great rates and a world of functionality including employer pitch videos, CV pre-screening and application stoplighting to minimise your admin time and cost.

Join us as we help you through jobseeking 2.0!

Learn more about PlatinumJobSeeker™

PlatinumJobSeeker™ members can access features and facilities never before integrated into a jobseeking site.

guaranteed response to Platinum Tick™ jobs, your own video pitch to put your pitch directly in front of the decision-makers, pitch videos from employers and their agents, and topical hints and tips for the new age.

We recognise that information is power, and information is what you deserve. Get the power of information here on Platinumjobseeker™

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